Contact Lancy

All contact info is always
listed on my email signature!

Phone:  cell (607) 662-3430 or office (607) 749-7246 ext. 5015



Professional Pinterest:  @lcollins4777

                   via besomeone_world on GIPHY                                                              I used Canva to make the image above



Google Classroom

*Remember, if you are a Seesaw user, you don't have to do anything!

Google Drive

  • Create a folder in Drive and name it 2020-2021.  Drag everything from this year into the folder.

    • To select all files, click Ctrl + a

    • Copy by clicking Ctrl + c

    • Go into your new folder and paste by clicking Ctrl + v

  • Need more organizing tips?  Check this out!


  • Archive your classes

    • You only need to archive classes you created, not classes created with Clever (If you see the blue “C” you do not have to archive the class).

Google Calendar

  • Write down three successes from this year.

  • Write down three goals for next year.

  • Put these someplace you will easily find them at the beginning of next year

  • Need a template?  Check this out! It’s ready-to-print or File > make a copy to type on digitally!


All of my How-To Printables are available to view on my Educator’s Resources Page of my Website, InTECHgration!

How did Lancy make that cool gif font?  

She used the Animated Text page on the Gloggif Website!

Techy Trojans

Awesome Teacher 


We are returning to our awesome teacher shout-outs for this final month of tech newsletters!  This month, I want to give a BIG shout-out to our FIRST badge finisher, Amanda Jackson!  Amanda teaches Special Education in 5th grade and completed all the criteria to earn herself a Screencastify Level 1 Badge.  Congratulations, Amanda!

**Lancy’s classes will be offered in Late August.  Click the image below for details and the link(s) to MLP to sign up!**

Notes from the



Please, Please, PLEASE!

Make sure you carefully read the emails that Josh sends out about changes and/or upgrades with our technology.  When we return to school, there will be updates this summer, like every summer before, and it’s important you remain in the know!  Reach out to tech if you have questions.

Help from Lancy Over the Summerfishing

Over the summer I will be checking email and my voicemails weekly (am still only a 10-month employee).  If you do need technology integration assistance, I will gladly schedule a time to meet with you!  

Just know, if I don’t get back to you right away, I might be camping somewhere off the grid without service.                               

End-of-Year Celebrations

Check out these blogs & ideas for fun ways to have an end-of-year celebration with your students, in-person and online!

Homer Share Folder

Over the summer is a great time to explore the resources I have curated in my Shared Resource Folder. It is filled with resources for all grade levels and curriculum subjects.   Yes, it is like falling down the rabbit hole… 



