Summer Professional Development

This summer, I've been tasked with facilitating a Summer PD that focuses on student engagement, technology best practices, and innovative teaching.  K-12 teachers were asked to apply to attend if they were interested in enhancing their curriculum through the models of blended learning, SAMR, PBL, goal setting, and innovative classroom design.

I won't lie, it's been a stressful July preparing for the training.  I've wanted to create 4 days of positive, meaningful, thoughtful, and effective professional development that allowed time for modeling, collaboration, and independent work.

Day one was to focus on Blended Learning.  Blended Learning can be summarized as a teacher-led instructional method, that combines face-to-face and digital learning, and through which students have some control over when, where, and at what pace they learn.  Many people have the misconception that using technology in their classroom means they are "Blended."  This is incorrect.  Blended learning uses technology, in part, but it uses it in a way that is mindful and deliberate.  Using technology for the sake of using technology is NOT blended learning.  Some blended lessons use little to no technology at all, if that will best serve the learners within the group.  What is the best way to achieve your goal (the standard) for the students?  You always need to start with your end goal in mind.

Day two focused on the SAMR Method and PBLs.  SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.  Unlike blended learning, SAMR focuses on the integration of technology only and how to make it meaningful and deliberate.   PBL stands for Project-Based Learning.  Students are given driving questions that lead them to find an answer based on their research.  PBLs are real-world problems that do not have a black or white answer but rely on students exploring, researching, and investigating a topic.
Developing Driving Questions for PBLs

Teachers need innovative seating!
Day three focused on learning spaces.  Here at Homer, we have encouraged teachers to apply for grants to build innovative spaces within the rooms.  Many have done so but plenty have not.  It was wonderful to collaborate on what works, what doesn't, and how to solve problems by sharing our experiences.

Day four was our "Wrap Up and Reflect" day.  We had completed so much work that we invited the administrators to come in for a conversation about what accomplishments we made, what our goals were for the upcoming year, and what action steps we put in place to achieve those goals.  As individuals, we completed a goal-setting document after reflecting on the week.
Our Administrators came in to join the conversation!
Obviously, my job as the Tech Coach is to help teachers incorporate technology within their classrooms and their curriculum.  BUT, if you've read my previous blogs, you'll know that I am a technology skeptic.  Do you NEED to add this tech tool?  Will it really change anything?  I haven't personally seen any of the direct feedback from teachers (everyone is required to complete a survey at the end of each PD in our district) but many people came up to me and told me their positive comments.  I knew most people were happy... I had to make them go to lunch and kick them out at the end of the day (hey, I had to pick up my kids from camp!)!  I was told by a couple of people how much they enjoyed the ITI and one person told me it was the best PD she'd ever attended!  Now that's amazing!

Of course, I'm sure there was some constructive criticism out there.  I can't be perfect, right?? Even I know I have more to learn.  For me, I think I did achieve my overall goal of providing a PD that was meaningful, thoughtful, and effective.  It did allow time for collaboration and independent work.  I'm not sure how much modeling I did, but hopefully, I was able to present all the curriculum documents in a positive, innovative way.  I definitely created a collaborative and trusting community within our school district.  A couple of the teachers commented that they felt almost like we were a support group for each other!

Moving forward, I would like to work on my presentation more. I want to hone in on the ways I taught the class and make sure the tools I'm using are purposeful and meaningful.  I also want to make sure I give more specific task directions and time restraints for activities that I present.  I think that will keep our day moving along more steadily.

Overall, I feel accomplished!  My first big PD under my belt as the Technology Coach!  Yay!  What a summer it has been... camping, traveling, prepping, and teaching.  It is now August and I'm ready for some relaxation.  Time to unplug, get my hands into the garden, and hang out with my kids.  Enjoy the rest of the summer folks... it's going by fast!  I'll see you in September!
My mini-me and I having fun with Flipgrid!
