Focus on the WHY not the HOW

Let's just start this post by saying, holy moly... I am EXCITED!  School starts next week and I couldn't be more thrilled to jump headfirst into my new position as Technology Coach!  I have already learned more this summer about educational technology (EdTech) than I thought I would all year.  The amount of technology that is out there that supports education is STAGGERING.

So, let's talk about that.  Every time I learn about a new app, new tool, new way of integrating technology, I get a little more, well, overwhelmed.  There is no limit to the number of THINGS you can implement.  I totally understand why some people have put up that wall.  It's staggering to think about.

"So, you want me to learn a new way to do something that I know I'm going to struggle with?  Something that I have to give up some control in my classroom?  But what if the kids take advantage? What if I break something?  What if... what if... what if..."

"Nope.  All set.  Thanks."

Now, what if I told you that many people want to use technology, but are often overwhelmed by the enormous scope of it all.  It is okay.  I am a tech coach and I get overwhelmed.

So, I'm going to share a big little secret with you.  C'mon over here... let me tell you...
Technology is the means, not the end.

Well, great.  What the heck does that mean?!

If you are using technology in your classroom, just for the sake of using technology, I will make a guess that you probably are not utilizing it to its full potential.  Sure, you can use a projector, but are you allowing the students to interact with it?  This is something that even I struggle with.  It is hard to shift that mindset about interactive boards.  "I don't have time to let the kids get up and do stuff on the board."  Yeah, I get it.  Time is probably the most valuable thing for any teacher.  BUT, what if you started using a program that allowed students to quickly and seamlessly cast (or show) their Chromebook screen up on the front board?  Sure, the first few times will be rocky, but won't they get better (and you too)??  What if that was the ONE THING you decided to implement into your practice this year that involved technology?  Don't you think you would become better with that much practice?

I guess what my thing is here is that we don't have to implement everything at once.  There is so much out there.  Why not pick one thing you are currently doing and see how you can make it more effective with technology for you and your students?

I hope that the teachers I am coaching understand that I am here to support them in this journey.  There are things that even I cannot do, but someone else out there can.  Thank goodness for YouTube how-to videos!  I am optimistic that I will get a lot of people who are more willing to just try that one thing this year to move into a higher level on the SAMR scale.  I'm so excited!

Have a great start to the new school year, everyone!
